Intimacy Coaching

The best and most powerful advice is simple when looking back in hindsight. The answers were always right there. You hire a professional intimacy coach to help you become aware of the blindspots and to get out of pain and into pleasure quickly. There are things that go bump in the night and I am the one who helps you bump back. 

Woman receiving sex coaching on a sofa


Finding the right sex coach or intimacy coach can be tricky business. A lot of additional questions arise:  Will this person get me? Is it safe? Will they be the right fit for us?    Can we talk about more than just sex? Oh dear, our coach is a man!  

 With over a decade of positive experiences, I can safely say, that the answer to those questions is very likely yes! In most cases, if you’re struggling with almost anything related to sex, intimacy, communication, confidence, assertiveness, seduction or relationships, you’re in the right place.

I guide, teach, advise, show, council, educate, facilitate and mediate.  I help remove barriers to intimacy with your partner and within yourself.  

We can navigate all those hard to have conversations that you’ve been avoiding with your partner. 

Woman looking longingly into her partners eyes after sex therapy


What you can expect from your intimacy session:

Choose between relationship and life coaching or sex and intimacy coaching.

When you first arrive to the office, it’s easy. Simply sit down and talk to me. Nothing else is required. Traditional. Easy. Effective.  

However, another option is to learn through the power of example action and visual learning.  I can optionally offer safe interactive exercises, demos, and even fun games when appropriate. 

 I teach you how to make your female partner feel desired, wanted and pursued. This is one of the most important gifts you can give her.

Here is just a taste of what you can expect to learn:

how to approach, touch and connect with her.  How to create hot chemistry on the spot or restore it. Figure out what turns her on and how to pleasure her. Initiate and build sexual tension WITHOUT having sex.

The rules are simple. We move at your pace, in the style that you prefer, and we figure out what you both want. Then I teach you how to get it.


Woman in her bedroom ready to make love


 With consent and when requested, I teach (usually the male) partner how to be more assertive, confident and natural with their partner in a way that women find sexually electrifying and thrilling. 

Every man wants to give his partner a hot and fun experience, but not only aer most men totally unaware of how to do this… almost no woman wants to teach her partner how to either! Thus, what she really wants and needs remains a mystery.  

I also help women tap into their own pleasure and help them figure out what they want on their own when requested through guidance, coaching and when requested, through demos.

Of course none of this can be done without first working through our sticking points.   With relationship coaching, we must  build emotional trust first by cleaning up old resentments and healing the places that are wounded.

Sometimes that happens in the course of a few minutes and other times it may take a session or two.  But you will never be expected to “jump into the sex stuff.” Unless that is specifically something that you’re looking for.

The kind of atmosphere that makes you feel cozy and safe:


Soothing image of the forest in Tari's sex coaching office

The office boasts a 180 degree, rainforest style view of nature with stunning floor to ceiling glass windows. Enjoy sprawling views, soothing art, soft furniture, mood lighting, oversized down pillows… it’s the real deal.  


Better than sex therapy in San Diego - in a sex coaching office

Everything is soft the way a sex coaching office should be. Great atmosphere, huge floor mirrors, a tantra chair, and your own private exit!  Closeness is a full-on sensory experience!


intimacy coaching office with ultra tranquil vibes

Closeness sex coaching services all areas of San Diego including Del Mar, La Jolla, Hillcrest, Downtown San Diego.  We use two HEPA filtration systems for great air flow.  Heaters in the winter and AC for the warm season. Bottled Voss water and Pellegrino or sparkling pineapple spritzers available upon request.



Only 3 visits required

$ 250

Per hour

UP TO 90 minutes:

$ 450

$150 OFF When you invest in 5 hours

$ 1100



$ 300

Per hour

Up to 2 hours:

$ 1000

Purchase 5 weekend hours and save $250

$ 1250


Terms, Conditions and Incentives:



A 1-hour $250 deposit is required to secure your first daytime sex coaching appointment or $300 after 5pm and on weekends. 

This deposit applies directly to the first hour of your visit. Simply send a Venmo or ApplePay after you book with me or on Calendly.

You can reschedule our relationship coaching session or cancel your appointment anytime up to 36 hours in advance to keep your deposit. 

To that end, all missed, cancelled or rescheduled appointments within the 36 hour window prior to your appointment will forfeit the deposit, as it is difficult to rebook with such short notice. 

Once you have attended your first visit, you do not need to prepay for future visits.


Billing is in 15 minute increments, not by the minute.

Generally sessions run 60, 90 or 120 minutes

If you are limited on time due to financial reasons or you have to leave, please advise me at the beginning of our intimacy coaching session

Accepted Payment methods: Cash, Venmo, Apple Pay, Bitcoin, Zelle, CashApp and all major credit cards. 

Yes you can pay with Bitcoin at the rate of $300 per hour

Summing up, Credit Cards carry a 5% surcharge. Missed or canceled appointments carry a one hour fee.


If you purchase 5 hours of intimacy coaching with me, you can take $150 off the top when paid in advance or on your first session. 

That’s $1100 (Instead of 1250) for 5 hours or $1350 (instead of $1500) for after hours and weekend sessions. 

Use the time how you wish. For example, 5 one hour sessions. 2 ninety minute sessions + 2 one hour, or 2, 2.5  hour sessions

Additionally, purchased time must be used within 2 months.


You are not obligated to do a two hour intimacy coaching session. 

Most couples and singles find it nice to not be kicked out of the office after 50 minutes of relationship coaching. I leave a two-hour window open for us to get results and you only pay for the time that we use. Payments are finalized after the session, and remember you already paid the deposit.

Additionally, some couples do 3 or even 4 hours sessions. If I have the time, and we’re really getting traction, we can keep going so you don’t feel rushed.

Intimacy Coaching is billed in 15 minute increments and is rounded up. It is not by the minute.

Generally sessions run 60, 75, 90, or 120 minutes

If you are limited on time due to financial reasons or you have to leave, please advise me at the beginning of our intimacy coaching session

Accepted Payment methods: Cash, Venmo, Apple Pay, Bitcoin, Zelle, CashApp and all major credit cards. 

Yes you can pay with Bitcoin at $300 per hour

Summing up, Credit Cards carry a 5% surcharge. Missed or canceled appointments carry a one hour fee.


Couple feeing cozy after


 Every intimacy coaching session always begins with talking and getting acquainted,  to get comfortable and build trust. 

We figure out why you’re here and what you’d like to get out of your session.  In many cases, we may simply talk for the entire session. 

If what you are looking for as a couple is to build more intimacy, you will also have the option to interact with each other in real time with my guidance.  This usually starts with eye contact, or clear, clean, basic interactions. 

We can escalate things at a glacial speed stopping any time, or move things quickly based on your comfort level. From here, you’ll actually witness your chemistry begin to build in a way you female partner likely hasn’t seen in your before.

Experiential change in how you interact around your partner happens at an order of magnitude greater here than with traditional talk only methods.

By engaging and interacting with each other in a safe, fun and consensually suggestive way, desire increases and  emotional trust gets repaired. Plus you get the added bonus of building and sexual attraction right before your eyes. Usually women are much more comfortable with this part.

To sum up, you’ll get respectful, kind, real-time feedback and coaching on what excites you, shuts you down, opens you up or turns you on without the need to get undressed. All interactions are optional, consent based and effective.

Remember: Talk only sessions with zero interactions are always perfectly fine.

Woman feeling sensual and confident after sex coaching and intimacy coaching


 Like listening to my podcast, it doesn’t take long to see results or identify what needs to change. You will leave your first session with a ton of new insights, as well as multiple ways to confidently initiate with your partner or future partner.

You can apply everything I teach in session in office or immediately after. 

To that end, if something isn’t clear, we can, with everyone’s consent, show you how to get the result you’re looking for by modeling it or demonstrating it in a way that works for you.     

I am your personal advocate and take a warm, sensual approach to intimacy coaching. I do not take sides, regardless of who contacted me first. 

A sex coach helped this beautiful couple get closer


Let’s face it, we’re talking about some pretty hot and intimate stuff here. Sometimes unexpected emotions and anxieties around sex and intimacy do come up.

It is absolutely ok for things to get spicy and exciting in your session.  It is also perfectly fine if they do not. It´s ok to feel excitement. This is, after all the point of why you came for intimacy coaching!  If you find yourself a little aroused, or even turned on, or if it feels like your sexual chemistry is building and being restored, that means you’re doing it right!  

There are no fluids exchanged. No one needs to get undressed.  Intimacy coaching is not pornographic. 


Closeness for Her
Woman is ecstatic because of intimacy coaching and sex therapy

 Indecisiveness can often be a part of female nature. So is not knowing yourself.. not knowing what you want, and not wanting to teach your man how to give you what you want.  Many women have an unspoken expectation that their man should just know how to please her or that he should figure it out. 

What do we want him to do? Know how to touch, lead you, turn you on, avoid all pitfalls, don’t give you the ick, and all while doing so in a confident and attractive way.  

If you’ve even been in a long term relationship, you know that this likely hasn’t been how it’s gone for you. 

Nonetheless, it’s amazing what calm masculine presence, some assertiveness and a little confidence  can do to help *you* open and receive pleasure. 

 Women generally cannot and do not want to teach their partner how to have sex with them

Women do not want to teach a man how to seduce her or give her the emotional component that’s missing from so many relationships today

This is where intimacy coaching and sexual guidance comes into play.

It’s difficult if not impossible for women to communicate to their partner how to become a better, more assertive or more dominant and sensual lover if you will. Yet, you crave romance, passion, hot and intense sexual experiences!  

I think women are longing for a sense of true, healthy masculinity and calm from their partner. Sometimes in session women will say right to their partners face: “Hey you’re smiling again! Stop smiling and being silly! It’s too soft or playful! You’re not taking this seriously!”

If you relate to this, or if you’re unsure of what to do next in the intimacy department, but you know you’re yearning for something more… we can do some fantastic work together. 

After a decade of experience of intimacy coaching, I can tell you first hand: women are usually FAR more comfortable with learning, playing and growing than men are. Do with that what you will ◡̈  

Sometimes a girl has just got to come in and get some things off her chest! Things she doesn’t dare share with her girlfriends. Thoughts she wants to voice but isn’t sure how to get them out. Sometimes girlfriends and therapists are not always the right answer. 

So what does this Closeness guy know about sex and intimacy coaching? Let’s state the obvious: I am a man, helping, facilitating and teaching women, how to get in touch with that very special part of themselves.  

What does that look like? 

I help you get to know yourself. That might mean we get you in touch with that primal side of you and help your erotic side some out. It might mean I show you how to have empathy for your sexually inexperienced male partner. It can also mean, I help get you out of your head and out of your own way to get what you really want and need sexually.   

I encourage you to read through some of the countless loving reviews on Google, Yelp, and here on the Closeness website if you’re skeptical. It’s not easy to share our intimate stories like this publicly, so the fact that these women have, speaks volumes. 

It’s always surprising to me that in almost every intimacy coaching session, it’s the women who want more. More from their partner, more play, intensity, arousal and excitement. It’s always the women who are ready to go further, have more interactions, and want more. And why wouldn’t you? 

It’s beautiful to see but certainly demystifies the stereotype that men are more sexual. 

Sometimes you might be dealing with an emotional block, or feel stuck in your head. Yes it is up to you to get to know yourself too, but I have also found that it is often something the male or masculine partner is not doing, or is doing incorrectly that prevents great sex or intimacy. 


From my heart to yours:

Even though you’re coming in to see the “sex coach,” or you specifically sought out intimacy coaching, please know that I also know, that there is more to life than just sex and penetration. I also know very well that we don’t need to start with that or end with that. In fact, none of your sessions need to focus on sex or intimacy at all if you want to work on other things. I am an extremely capable coach in many aspects – whether you’re yearning for someone to speak intellectually with, learn to do a handstand with, or simply get out in the open. Helping you feel safe and comfortable is the easy part. For me anyway. But you allowing yourself to grow, receive more pleasure, experience more and open to more… that is the interesting part!  

Finally, sometimes women carry wounding or pain that makes sexual play or opening up feel difficult or even painful. I have had many clients come in who experience painful sex or discomfort when they become intimate.  Sometimes, your body may shut down or you might get stuck in your head, even if you actually are craving sex or Closeness.  

I can help guide you to be with your yourself in a way that gets your needs met and doesn’t feel compromising. I can teach your man how to slow down, take his time and be patient and softer in his approach. Or, if he is too soft we can help him step into becoming a little more lion like. Teach him how to take you, ravish you, and have his way with you if that’s what you’re craving… and a lot of women are! 

If you’re single I can of course help you with all this as well. It’s exciting to finally figure out what actually excites you.   My style of intimacy guidance helps us work through these issues gently (or intensely) to get great results.  

As with all sessions, anytime, talking only with zero contact is always, always a great option! 


Sex Expert Tari with partner at Black's beach in San Diego


Clients who have gone through traditional forms of therapy, sex therapy, psychotherapy or marriage and family counseling, feel that the advice they received was too general or bland. They tell me that they can’t dive to deeply into the sexual stuff if at all. They come to see me when all else fails. 

Sexual intimacy, and all of its intricacies, requires more nuance and awareness. There are frankly, very specific interactions and things that need to be done in order for sex and intimacy to work long term. Therapists are a wonderful and necessary asset for our mental and emotional health, (I have one of my own!) But when you’re looking to get help with the things that no one is willing to talk to about publicly, where do you go for help?

Who do you talk to about polarity, chemistry, magnetism?  How do you help or encourage your man to be more masculine, your woman to be more sensual and feminine?

Things like assertiveness, confidence, intensity, primal passion, connection and excitement… these are my specialities.



If you want different, you need something different. You need intimacy coaching and I think you could benefit from a sex coach. 

In my office, you can share your intimate and sexual thoughts, your needs, desires and truths not only to get them out there, but to actually do something about them!

Yes of course: safe space, no judgement, your fantasies are welcome… but we go so much deeper. 

 It’s incredible what getting to your truth can do for you as a couple. What is the TRUTH about your relationship… Is she way more sexual than you? Does he need to play catch up? Do you both just need to learn a new skill? 

During our sessions together, I read the room, use sensual language and teach you body language that you’re comfortable with. I guide you and your partner in a respectful, suggestive manner that allows transformation to happen immediately. That means you watch it before your eyes. Not a year from now. Not six months from now. Right now. 


A sincere, empathetic masculine man after getting couple's counseling in San Diego with Tari


Let’s face it guys, this is a lot to take in. I know what you’re thinking, I know what you’re feeling, and I know how it goes. Most men do not want to be taught how to be sexual. It’s a very intimate thing. Most guys don’t want another man involved either. But that’s because you’re thinking about it in a sexual setting. This isn’t a threesome. This isn’t an orgy or a sex party or someone trying to one up you. This is someone who has genuine interest in helping you connect with your woman and understand the female universe. I want to show you how to talk with her, flirt with her, look at her, connect with her, touch her… Not just have more sex and get off!

Most guys make the mistake of thinking they should come in by themselves and talk to me for a few hours and then they’re going to go home and transform their sex life. As much as I wish that was the case that is never the way that it goes. She has to be there, she has to experience it, you have to see the look of arousal on her face. You have to see her eyes dilate, her face, flesh, pink, her chest, heave, and you have to learn to understand the signals…


As men we rarely have a safe space to get real help… Let’s face it, there really is no one you can talk to about sexual shortcomings or areas like that where we struggle. Where would you actually learn to take care of your woman, get both of your needs met and keep her turned on and excited for you? You want things to last forever and the good feelings to stay but now she’s acting differently towards you.  The world, but especially women, often don’t understand or have time for a man’s pain.

While women are terrified of rejection, as men, we are expected to take it regularly and never say a word about it. We can’t break down and many women don’t want to see us feeling weak or small. We’re expected to know how to do things.

Other than just “wanting sex,” do you know how to please her, seduce her or read her? I know you love her, but do you know how to ravish her? Or when to move forward, assertively and when to just enjoy Closeness? 

If you’re like almost every other guy out there and never got the memo, that’s where I step in and guide you. Not to show you how it’s done in a competitive way. Not to make you feel even worse about the situation, but to actually help you. A guy on your team. A coach in your corner. Where else would you go for something like this? 

 At Closeness, I offer the necessary guidance to get your lady turned on and all hot, bothered and wet by YOU, so that you can go home and repeat this over time. So that YOU can be more effective and powerful in the bedroom.


When you come in with your partner, that’s when the magic really happens.  Remember when they plugged Neo back into the Matrix and he had instant upgrades? Yea. I want to send you home with a new skill set. I want to help you use your eyes, hands, fingers, and lips in a way that you haven’t before with her. I want to teach you sexual kung-fu! 

Even if it’s not perfect, even if it feels awkward, even if it’s challenging for you and makes you feel uncomfortable… Imagine being able to go home on the first night after seeing me and have something to apply with her. Something different to play with, a new approach and a new outlook. One that will allow you to be more sensual, sexual and emotionally available on the first night after your appointment.  

Therefore, because of how sexual attraction works, I request that men come with their female partner present at first so that we can all be on the same page and  get better results.

How will you know what we are doing is working? Because you will see it written all over her face and body. 

Great sex, lasting longer, presence, assertiveness, passion, intimacy and communication. These are a learned set of skills. 

 And finally, I’ve learned that no matter how good I am at this, and no matter how good I am at wording it, people still get nervous. It’s OK. It’s fine to be uneasy and it’s fine to feel a little awkward. Rome wasn’t built in a day. It won’t be as scary as you’ve made it out to be in your head. Most clients leave breathing a sigh of relief. 

Everyone needs  a little help in the intimacy coaching department.  If you are the kind of man who can put his ego aside, I’ve got a great tool box that will blow your mind, and hers.  If you’re willing to put in the work, you will  have a partner who respects you more and wants to follow your lead. 



No matter how innocent or docile a woman may appear, a decade in practice has shown me that most women are still very curious and and turned on by hot things. Forbidden things. Erotic things… and those who aren’t would often like to be!  

Who do you talk to about these fantasies with? Where do you go to safely explore them mildly whether verbally or suggestively before before going all out? 

It’s hard to think of one place where a woman can go to safely get to know or understand her erotic side without having to perform. Without having to worry if her “no” will be heard and respected… And especially without feeling expected to give more of herself. More than she’s ready for. More confusion and more pressure.

Where can you nurture and bring out your erotic side without  any pressure or judgement?   Maybe for the daring, at certain types of parties, parades, or public sex-related events, but that can often feel a little too exposed and vulnerable for most.  Even the idea of someone wanting more from you when you’re not ready is uncomfortable.  

But if you’ve been thinking about something erotic… or having a threesome, going to a sex party, some light BDSM or getting yourself a shiny new toy… you can bring these things to session! 


But what if you could have an experiential intimacy coaching session that moves at your own pace, where you’re in control… or not if you don’t want to be?  A place where you could ask questions, not feel silly, and explore the things that do and don’t get you going?

 As a woman, you may feel stuck in your head, with never-ending thoughts. Most women don’t have strategies for this. They don’t have ways to feel more relaxed and allow some sexual excitement and curiosity to circulate through them. 

I have found over the years that many women seem to live a double life. They want desperately to get to know themselves sexually, they crave intense experiences and yearn to be taken or taken on an erotic adventure! Often, some even want to be taken, without any conversation. They hope that it will simply happen. They wait for it to happen. But then real life hits them. The same old interactions. The same old sex and usually a partner “asking” to have sex with her.    

You are always welcome to bring your partner to our sessions and they are encouraged to come.  I can consensually guide you both to discover what excites you. Working at your comfort level, your partner will clearly see – in no uncertain terms – what turns you on and what turns you off. We’ll learn about verbal and non-verbal communication, eye contact, distancing, approach, pressure, intensity and passion.  We’ can also un-layer some of his  bad habits and quirks that may get in the way of hot or loving intimacy. 

 If you don’t have a partner, you can come for intimacy coaching on your own. We can talk. And maybe build on a series of demos and interactions together that help you understand yourself on a much, much deeper level, leaving you feeling very well cared for.


Closeness coaching needs to be experienced: 

Without a doubt, Tari is THE BEST! I had been researching premarital counseling and intimacy coaching when I discovered Tari’s Closeness podcast. I was immediately hooked and thrilled to find out he offered in-person coaching. From the first communication Tari was welcoming, proactive in accommodating. My husband and I both look forward to our sessions, whether it’s a couples sessions or one on one. To be sure, Tari has a superpower in translating my thoughts into a language my husband can understand. He has been able to dissect so many issues, anxieties and behaviors and then transform them with his exercises and expertise. We have been able to work through heavy issues (and comical issues) but always leave his office feeling happy and closer than ever!

Working with Tari and his intimacy coaching program has been the best investment in our marriage and myself!

Abi Gault, San Diego


Couple getting married thanks to a sex coach named Tari


Want to help her feel incredible? I create a space where talking, unique interactions, excitement and arousal can all coexist in the same room.
Understanding your body language and what you're doing when you approach her is paramount. The way you hold and carry yourself in intimate situations matters, even if you're just walking across the room to her.

Sometimes we have to un-layer bad habits first. This includes talking too much, being overly careful, soft or rough when you touch her. We must also dismantle the belief that trying something different means that you are acting, role playing or not being yourself.
We can transform your tone, energy, body language, and approach so that your partner actually responds favorably, while still remaining who you are! This will help her feel safe to open up and make her find you more attractive.

A beautiful couple prepares for their baby because they got sex coaching


Couples often think that foreplay or warming her up takes hours, but it can actually be done in minutes or even seconds. It's all about building sexual tension and making a connection.

If you don't know what that means, I'll teach you and show you. It's less about thinking or doing and more about the way you hold and carry yourself. You cannot logic your way through it, or "handle her" the way you would in a business setting.
Sex is not a one trick situation.

You open her with your presence and connection. I'll introduce you to the domain of the erotic and how to fan the flames of desire. In simple terms, I'll teach you how to get her wet from your energy alone and ready for sexual intimacy from how you interact with her.

Eroticism can't flourish in the suffocating space of control, mechanical movement, and silliness. Too much comfort or overbearing dominance will kill the mood.

Couple learns Sensual touch after intimacy coach helps them


Does she like the slow burn and build up, or does she get antsy when you're too slow because she needs more passion and intensity? Are you being to rough or not intense enough? Being able to read these cues is what will make the difference at home.

Most women want to start slow then ramp up to the perfect intensity. Other women are calibrated to crave more immediate erotic and overtly sexual advances, while others like to be constantly teased. In an intimacy coaching session we figure out your woman's sexual strategy and give her what works while also taking care of your needs!

To be clear, I teach you how to dial it back, or ramp it up based on her desire and yours, in real time, so you can visibly see her arousal - or rejection. We do it again and again using her excitement level as an indicator of whether it's working or not.

As an intimacy coach, I teach healthy assertiveness. After you process your session you'll feel more competent and confident in leading her.

Relationship help and sex therapy never looked so good


When your partner feels turned on simply from being in your presence, you know you've done something right. No words are required because you have built powerful chemistry. She responds by getting excited and wanting to be sexual with you. There is no need for convincing, begging or asking.

You simply cannot learn things like this in a therapist's or sex therapists office.

It's off the table. But now that you've done it and seen it in real time, you can put it to use at home. Great chemistry can be learned. It can be restored and you can make your woman see you differently or at least the way she used to. And yes, I can teach you how to harness all of that IF as a man you're coachable and willing to put in the 'work,' which I consider the fun part.

This level of attentiveness and intimacy coaching is unavailable anywhere else!


It doesn't take much to get your partner excited

Did you know women can shift from being frustrated and emotional to being incredibly turned on in minutes or seconds? 

 As your sex coach, I have a rare ability to put into words and action, that which your partner simply cannot. I can teach you how to speak to and interact with your woman in a way that lights her up and makes her want to want you.


   You do not need to come see me for purely sexual reasons. In an intimacy coaching session, many couples want to learn to  communicate better outside the bedroom.

I can say the words you struggle to say, help each other gain perspective and navigate topics that are too hot to tackle on your own. I facilitate hard discussions without escalating anxiety.

It’s also great to have someone to talk to who is outside of your friend group and can give you a professional opinion.   


A man reflects on a rock in ibiza who needs a relationship coach

One of the harder parts of my job is what to do once we get to the truth of your situation. Sadly some couples aren’t compatible. If you’re brave enough to face that head on, I can gently and respectfully help you navigate through hard situations 

Have you discovered some intimate texts or communication from someone outside of your relationship?

Or is it an affair that has been going on for years and the lying has devastated you to your core?

Before we can begin to restore what has been damaged, we need to discover what’s true.  Do you actually want to stay in this and work through it?  Are you open to restoring trust with your partner? Can they do the work? 

These answers may seem obvious, but they aren’t so easy to answer.  Not when love, family, status, lifestyle and children are involved. Through intimacy counseling, I will personally help you discover what is real and true so that you can make choices that serve your relationship or I can help separate you in a safe and respectful way. Though I do always aim for Closeness, I can facilitate a respectful decision to separate or consciously uncouple.

One of the hardest parts of my job is figuring out what to when we get to the heart of your situation.

Sadly, not all couples are destined to be together. But most of us will stay for ancillary reasons of love, children, comfort and fear.  

If you’re brave enough to explore this with me, I can gently and respectfully help you navigate through these turbulent waters and awful situations.

But to restore what has been damaged, we need to discover what’s true.  Do you actually want to stay in this? Do you want to work through it?

Maybe you are all in but is your partner and have they ever been?  

These answers may seem obvious, but they aren’t so easy to come to terms with.  Not when love, family, status, lifestyle and children are involved.

Through intimacy counseling, I will personally help you discover what is real and true so that you can make the best choices. Though I do always aim for Closeness, I can facilitate a respectful decision to separate or consciously uncouple.

A man reflects on a rock in ibiza who needs a relationship coach

Have you discovered some intimate texts or communication from someone outside of your relationship?

Or is it an affair that has been going on for years and the lying has devastated you to your core?

Staying or leaving after cheating is a DEEPLY personal choice and there isn’t always a right or wrong answer. 

I can and will however help you get to the place where you make the choice that is best for you, your family and your relationship. 


I suppose the big question on the tip of everyone’s tongue, who’s involved in the non-traditional relationship is am I poly friendly?

The answer, of course, is absolutely. I can help you navigate through all unusual situations, whether you’re in a polycule, have multiple relationships, or are just dating several people, 

The next logical question is can you bring everyone to the office? As long as I have space — and I do have a decent amount of space, you can bring them. 

Some people bring their cats, or well behaved dogs for emotional support. This is also ok. Just let me know before hand so I can vacuum after. 

Dating Coach Tari in San Diego helps couple be more sexual

Whether you are or have been involved with Only Fans, the sex work industry, or are a porn star, I have the experience to help you navigate your intimate and romantic life outside your work.  It may seem odd to work with a sex coach when your word revolves around sex, but I bet your intimate relationships could use some attention and some healthy boundaries.

Many women are surprised to find that they can experience more intimacy with their actual partner.

Sometimes monogamy doesn’t just feel off, it may be impossible to maintain. I can help you create healthy  agreements for your relationship while still having all the hot sex that you crave with your partner… and beyond. 

Does sex work leave you feeling shut down and turned off to real intimacy? Maybe your choice of partner has been less than ideal and you want to learn how to choose better or love your body more?

Have you noticed it’s harder to connect with someone in the real world?  Often clients who are involved in the sex industry come in for help because they want to make sure they’re not broken. They want to be reminded what it feels like to be seen, appreciated and adored. 

Intimacy coaching can help you get in touch with that piece that feels like it’s missing. 

READY TO BOOK an Intimacy Coaching session? Schedule on my Calendly: