
How to recognize a breakup Part 2

How to recognize a breakup Part 2

One of the most difficult and excruciating parts of relationships are breakups and the events leading up to them. Sometimes though, they can be avoided simply by recognizing the early warning signs. Why do we ignore them so readily?

In this episode we’ll show you what it looks like when someone is starting to withdraw from you, as well as the twisted truth about what really happens when one of us pulls back. When others withdraw from us, it can make us feel a sense of “forced neediness,” which isn’t healthy for either partner.

We’ll also look at why real communication fails through text and why pretending to be completely “unavailable” at all times not only makes you look bad, but isn’t healthy for intimacy. Finally, we’ll explain why expecting others to “get the hint” is a disaster when it comes to rejection.

When we learn healthy boundaries and own the ability to risk the relationship for what we stand for, we can say goodbye in a healthy way, rather than holding on to someone who is toxic for us. This is Part two of a two-part series.

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