Relationship help never sounded so good…

I GIVE AWAY 80% of my content

The Closeness Podcast is a timeless body of work.  It’s not click bait intended for single use consumption.  The podcast is 100% free and better than most other paid content available today.


You will learn more from one free Closeness episode than paying someone else to answer similar intimate questions. All knowledge will serve you for years to come, not just in the moment. Listen here or also 


I explore the hottest and most provocative subjects in a classy and sensual way. Share Closeness episodes with lovers, select family members, partners, friends and more. My brand of relationship help and sex coaching is sharp, to the point and full of actionable suggestions.

The Closeness Podcast is available everywhere. To listen on closeness.com click here. 

If you prefer sex coaching in written form,  full transcripts are below. Click “download transcript” under the player inside each episode below.


Tips for Tari are Warmly Welcomed. The heart icon is Venmo, The P isPayPal, $ is CashApp 

Similar to many others who have left reviews here, I came across Tari’s website after finding myself in a difficult place and feeling like I had run out of places to turn for relationship help. It was completely out of my comfort zone, but after reading all the reviews and listening to the Closeness Podcast, I figured it was worth a shot. The intake form, however, was completely intimidating so I left about 90% of it blank not knowing what to expect to happen next.

Nonetheless, Tari reached out to me the very next day and was very warm and welcoming, so we set up an appointment and I ended up going back and filling in more of the intake form before going in for my first intimacy coaching session.

During the sessions we have covered a variety of topics from very difficult topics related to past trauma, to topics not even directly related to intimacy but just about navigating life’s challenges, to more fun and interactive topics when my husband and I have both been in session together.

Tari’s approach is unique in that he is able to work through  whatever it is that you are looking for, and to do so with empathy and respect while still being straight forward and challenging you. His coaching style asks thought provoking questions, gives room for conversation, and valuable insights.

I never thought I could get my husband on board with something like this, but it turns out we both got out of our comfort zones and these sex coaching sessions are something we look forward to going to together. We are thankful for how far we have come in our relationship with Tari’s help.

As one who always reads reviews before committing to anything I find on the internet, Tari definitely lives up to all 5 star reviews!

Kimberly H, San Diego California